Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Raw Dinner Party

Can it be a party with just 2 people? I invited a friend over for dinner, cause I’m so excited about the giant eat-in kitchen in the apartment that I’m staying in (belonging to my amazing friend Josh who is out of town on business for a couple of weeks). I used to love love love throwing dinner parties: the candles, the wine, the company, the tasty food. It’s been a while, though, and am a little unsure about how to integrate raw foods into the mix, particularly with non-raw friends. And beyond what my guests’ usual diet is, I’m also trying to get past the fundamental / my learned oddness in inviting someone for dinner and not cooking for them. My mom’s comment on me having someone over for dinner was, “What are you going to make for him, a smoothie?”

Behold, an ideal candidate for my foray into raw entertaining: my friend Andrew. He’s not a vegan or vegetarian, but is consistently eager for new foods and taste experiences. For instance, we were once in a chain restaurant in Orlando (Applebee’s? Bennigan’s?) and he ordered a hickory smoked veggie burger with bacon and cheese. Not because he didn’t want the meat-hamburger, but because he wanted to see how a veggie burger mixed with the rest of that stuff. Beyond his eclectic palate, I knew he’d offer constructive criticism in a gentle way.

We started with kale, apple, celery juice (my current favorite). I loved it; he was a little overwhelmed by the amount of greens in it – the flavor, not the color. We then had the Creamy Carrot Ginger Soup with Lime (from the Raw Food, Real World cookbook). I had mine chilled, and his was heated up a little. His comment was that he really enjoyed how he could really taste each individual ingredient. He wished that he could taste the avocado a little bit more, though. Personally, I really like that I can barely taste the avocado, I think that it lets the other flavors shine. Then we had broiled swordfish (old habits die hard) covered with a (raw) salsa of mango, cucumber, jalapeño, lime, ginger and scallion. And an arugula and pistachio salad with Creamy Citrus Dressing (also from Raw Food, Real World cookbook). He loved the salad and fish, enough to convince me to let him take the leftovers to work the next day for lunch. For desert we had a persimmon, so ripe that the flesh was just about falling apart. The wine was Les Champs Clos Sancerre, and happy-surprisingly fit with everything really well (surprisingly because I usually choose wine by the font on the label).

Sated, we lingered over the table. I asked, “So, do you like my cooking?” And he said, “No, I love your cooking.” Three cheers for Andrew, for being open to new food, and four cheers for me for giving someone a thoroughly enjoyable introduction to raw food.

One love,

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